Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Little Photographer

Andy took a lot pictures (some turned out nicely) when we had Mary and Tao over for maternity shots.
He likes taking pictures and has gotten good at getting sharp images.  We are often intrigued by his angle of views -- it's truly seeing the world from a child's eyes.


Andy showed Guoguo yoga and the two did a good long Iyengar power session following TV. 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Pig Jam Sandwich

A story book we read recently had a simple recipe for making a pig shaped sandwich using jam and raisin (we substituted blackberries for bigger eyes).

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Guoguo sleep over

We skipped out of school in the middle of the day to go to the Great Play of Redmond for a free play class offer.  They had a great time.  Guoguo liked it so much that the next morning he said "I want to go to the new school".
Guoguo brought his pillow and the two finally made the sleepover happening tonight (last time when they tried, Guoguo cried for home when it came to lights out time).  They had fig infused spinach cucumber salad, salmon buckwheat pancake, noodle, and bao zi for dinner.  The two ate really well so they got to have kiwi blackberry popsicle (made by themselves) for dessert.  We did some flashcards afterwards and it was time for bed already.  They talked long after lights out...

The next morning they played quietly for close to an hour in the room and built a sophisticated fortress.
