Tuesday, June 24, 2008

8 mo Observations

Andy has grown a lot.
- The biggest development is that he is able to sit stably for much longer now. This allows him to play longer and me starting some lessons with him. More on that in a separate post.
- He has grown long enough to reach the floor when standing in the Exersaucer now. So he is able to reach all the musical toys in that and discovered for himself how to make each toy make (e.g. bang a key, turn a page, pull a lever). My yoga session has got longer as he plays in it for close to half hour now. He gets so excited with the Exersaucer that he often starts his own dance of beating legs and pushing arms.
- He is on a regular 2 nap schedule now after a week training.
- He continues to drool and chew on everything he gets his hands on. He likes all regular human food so far. I cook him thick multi-grain stews with meat and veggie bits.

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