Monday, September 1, 2008

Month 10, 11 Observations

- More mobility. He often stands in the crib now! He loves to be held by both hands and walks around the house. Sometimes he even let go of one hand. He crawls much faster too. He picks up any speck from the floor and stuffs into his mouth. He loves grass. Taking him onto the lawn is like herding a sheep. He keeps pulling grass and putting into the mouth.
- Night routine. This has totally changed since his newly gained mobility a couple of weeks ago. He stands up repeatedly after being put in the crib. He doesn't know how to sit down yet so he gets scared standing. Mom devises a new scheme of accompanying him to sleep in the big bed in his room. His favorite bedtime toy is no stuffed animal but magazines or the "First Baby Words" book. He sometimes exhausts himself shredding the magazine. It also takes a long longer to get him back to sleep when he wakes up at night now. He would roll around and squeak for play time for a while after nursing. He skips naps a lot and doesn't go to sleep until 10-11 the first few days when he learns to stand easily. But mom adapts to him quickly and worked out the new way of putting him to sleep so he's back on the good 2-naps ritual.
- Talking. He speaks a lot more now, dadada is his favorite word.
- He starts to wave back to people more the last few days.
- He becomes more aware of music. When something starts playing, he would quietly listens to it for a good few minutes before shifting focus to something else.
- It's interesting to observation his problem solving process. He is very persistent at trying. Tonight, he finds a new toy -- the toilet. He stands by the bowl, one hand supporting himself by holding onto the seat, the other trying to pull the fulsh level (this one is a pull up). He tries many times, but he is just a tad short to be able to lift it all the way up for a full flush. He kees pulling and then looking into the bowl, He keeps this up for at least 10 times, sometimes makes small flushes. More reasons to keep the place clean.

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