Sunday, November 23, 2008

Fire Station Rendezvous on a Sunday Afternoon

Sunday 11/23
As we were walking into the park across the street from the fire station side, we saw a bunch of kids holding the water hose at the fire station. One guy with a mustache looked familiar. Could he be one of the 3 fire fighters that helped with the delivery? I went up and asked "did you by any chance deliver a baby across the street?" "Oh yes, we delivered one right across the street there." The conversation started. "Oh this must be Andy... yes yes it was a cute card with his footprint last year..." Amazing that they remembered his name! One of three men was also named Andy and they joked the baby was named after him when they got the Thank-you card. So we met Todd, the man who cut the cord, and Cliff, the man with the mustache (Andy was not on the shift that day). It turns out that the fire station rents out a room for kids birthday parties and it includes a tour and some demos. We hung around for the demo, chatted lots, sat in the driver seat of the fire engine, and got pictures with the men. What a wonderful surprise (perfect for my birthday :-)!
The only unfortunate is that I lost the camera on the flight to Madison, so there went all the precious pictures I didn't get to download! :-(

We went to Rebecca's for a pre-Thanksgiving dinner afterwards. It was a lot of fun with all the babies and good conversations and good food. Again, sorry for the picture loss:-(

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