Monday, March 2, 2009

15 & 16 mos Observations

Andy started part time day care (Tuesdays and Thursdays) on 1/4/2009 at Sundance Preschool & Daycare in Bellevue. He is in the Early Toddlers class (12-18 months). The girls in the class surrounded him when he first got there. The teachers say he's doing well (the only time he cries is at drop off time). He seemed to have adjusted quickly, getting on their two naps schedule. A couple of days after he started daycare the occurrences of his standing on his own feet dramatically increased. Maybe there was some peer influence as all the other kids were walking. He is more willing to walk with one hand held now, but still not roaming on his own yet.

He had his first ear infection right around when he turned 16 months. It was a hellish couple of weeks. He had high fever the first night, then was diagnosed with ear infection. He took Amoxicillin for 7 days, which left him with a severe reaction of red bumps all over his body. And the ear infection returned. The doctors were reluctant to prescribe any more medication until his reaction cleared up. After some research and friends advice, we found dropping garlic oil in his ears and sleeping on the side of the more infected ear over one weekend provided the cure. The doctor was totally amazed by the effect of the remedy: it totally cleared up one ear and partially the other. So she pronounced no more antibiotics necessary.

He learned to recognize quite a few words from the picture books and objects now (some animals and daily items). His favorite of all time is doggie. He makes this escatic sound whenever he sees a dog or a picture of a dog.

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