Sunday, November 11, 2007

Drawing Session!

This is my first time back to the drawing session since Andy's birth! It was such a good feeling! I've been longing for it for a while. As I was perusing an artist's gallery online last night, I realized how much I missed it. I don't want to regret dreams not realized and blame it on kids when I get old one day. I have somehow lost track of time between feeding and diapering; I know I could do better if I were more disciplined and organized. It's like this coming to drawing session thing, I could have said it's too hard and didn't try, but only when I made some efforts, do I realize it's doable and so much fun! Such is true with many things, if you are determined, there is always a way.

Andy was again surprisingly good to me, slept most of the time (I credited it to Lyle's Bach and Handel). Somehow he always behaves at outings, even if indoor. It was great to see everyone. People were really nice to me, getting me chair, picking charcoal when I dropped it, etc. Everybody loved him and Carol drew him instead of the model for a while!
Pictures here.

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