Friday, November 16, 2007

Week 5 in Summary

- 11/13 Tuesday: A busy day out! We had the 9:30 1-mo pediatric appointment. Andy is now 7 lbs 6 oz, and 20.5 in. Doc noted "Healthy!" on his report card. I was able to borrow a room to do my own milk production test (feeding-weighing-repeat) afterwards for the next hour. Then we went for a really nice walk along the lake with Shelly (it was a rare gorgeous day!) and visited the new G. office by the lake for lunch. Baby Sophie smiled so much on the walk! Then we went to the Snuggler class and another long afternoon walk until the sunset (had a good long chat with Louise to catch up). Andy visited the library for first time in the evening while Joe worked out.

- 11/14 Wednesday: New moms lunch outing. Vi brought Chloe (1.5 weeks older than Andy, born 9/27), and Shellly brought Sophie. It was nice catching up with the girls and instead of making lunch this time, we headed to Google for free food. We got some cute pictures of the 3 babies. I'm still amazed how big Chloe is compared to Andy! Pictures here.

- 11/15 Thursday: Another busy day out. After the morning lecture on "Will and estate Planning" (yes cost a lot $ lawyer fee) which I slept through most of, we went to PaintAway. We worked on a couple of ceramic pieces. Andy was surprisingly attentive at the beginning looking at all the pots, see pictures.
At the lecture, I ran into another girl used to be in dance, and learned where she's disappeared to: she's got a 10-mo old now!

- 11/16 Friday: We picked up Grandma Zhong at the airport. It was a nice bonus that I was able to use the carpool lane with Andy in the back. Andy didn't fall asleep on the way back for the first time: he studied my mom intently for a long time! Mom was all happy of course and talked to him a lot too. Andy is starting to be interested in faces. here is a picture of mom meeting Andy for the first time. Andy got a suitcase full of goodies from Irene, Hao and mom.

- 11/18 Sunday: We had Shelly and Simon over for an early dinner. Mom made some tasty dishes and got to see Sophie.

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