Saturday, October 29, 2011

Second Day Homeschooling

We started out with another puzzle today.  My new concoction for morning snack (to get more fiber in, in a tasty way:) : nutty squashes topped with peanut butter and jam.  Except he ended up licking off pbj and left squashes in tact.  So I concocted another another dish in response: mushed up the squashes, added almond milk and a little crab apple jam, and heat it up to make it a dessert soup to go with meals.  This was well received :)

We did a few alphabet, logic and math games from a couple of English Kindergarden and first grade books I got from Costco today.  I let him drive mostly in terms of picking which ones to do and kept him interested by treating them as games instead of workbooks.  I was impressed by his analytical ability with logic pattern type of material.  I feel like I'm getting to know his developmental details better with this process.

We did a nature walk after lunch near home today.  We found lots of mushrooms!  I'm pretty excited about learning more about mushroom identification from my friend Ann.

Andy spent half the afternoon with his Dad while I went for an appointment for Daniel.  In the evening Andy decided to lay out all the homemade flashcards in a line and ended up with a longer sentence than mine (good way reviewing eh?).

I find the key in schooling is to keep agenda flexible and fun.  It goes a lot better when it's driven by the child's interest. The last couple days also have plenty of frustrations but when I look back the fun moments much outweighed the difficult ones (e.g. bathroom accidents, veggie eating bargaining).  I got my dose of patience training looking from the positive view :-).

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