Tuesday, October 16, 2007

One week birthday

Andy napped peacefully in my lap while I sketched his sleepy face in the living room's morning light. I then did yoga for the first time in a week and discovered I could kiss my knees again. It's almost 9:30, I thought what state I was in this time last Tuesday. Then it's feeding time, I relived the sequence of events as the clock ticked past 10. Eventually I fell asleep too with Andy (he always falls asleep on me during feeding).

I took Andy to the 0-3mo Snuggler class at Evergreen hospital; it's an informative moms' support group class. There were 20 mom & baby pairs today. The topic of the day was on breast feeding. So I got a lot of good information out of it. It was nice to hear others' experiences and tips about what to expect and how to deal with it. I learned this constant feeding is the norm. Many new moms have to deal with a lot of issues, such as mastitis (antibiotic 4 times a day), jaundice, fussy/gassy baby (Andy has been very good so far). So we've been very lucky so far. A few moms went to see movies together at the Friday morning "free baby movie time" at nice theaters. It feels funny to realize I'm eligible for this perk now. I like the class very much, except for the noise the 19 babies made. Andy was the youngest and quietest; he slept through the entire 2 hours. Mid day nap has become the longest stretch he sleeps during the day.
I filled out a form at the Snuggler class and found I have lost track of dates, other than in reference of Andy's birthday (9+7, ok it's 16th today).

After a few consecutive feeds, Andy is knocked out for a longer nap for the evening. I started making a carrot cake to give to the neighbors. We were really surprised and touched that two of the neighbors witnessed the parking lot scene and brought us dinner food.

So much has happened in a week! It's been an incredible learning experience in a week. The little guy grows everyday. His eyes are opening more often, with that curious look of the world around him. His skin is more vibrant (neck is peeling a bit. The purple hands and feet are normal colored now). It is also incredibly comforting to have so many friends talking to and visiting us (not to mention the homemade food!).

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